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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

7 tips for nourishing your hair

Healthy, thick, and shiny nourishing your hair is something that everyone wants to have. In order to have strong hair, you cannot rely on fate alone. But it requires good hair care as well. Today we would like to bring together some easy hair care tips that can

4. Less Sugar Fruits suitable for people who lose weight 

After previously posted in the article 4 high sugar fruits People with diabetes – heart and blood vessels – people who lose weight should avoid  each other. We have some fruits that are low in sugar. There are also many vitamins to leave each other. Guarantee that it’s delicious, good

If taking an overdose What are the symptoms?

Drug overdose can be caused by accident. Including doing it intentionally as well An overdose is consuming more of a drug than prescribed by your doctor. Which, when ingested, may have a negative effect on health , including possibly leading to death So the matter of overdosing. Therefore, it is important to study

About “heart disease” that we may misunderstand of death

Although at this time medical science has developed much progress. But what we still need to know is still unlimited. Especially the understanding of diseases that are born near the ” heart disease“  in the past several centuries. Although there will be updates, discoveries about the pathogenesis, treatment, prevention, but

Is “injection drug” really faster than “eating drug”?

Many people who are sick and want the fever to go down quickly There may be prostrations and prayers. Ask the doctor to give you an injection. With the idea that the injectable drug is stronger, faster, and after that, he will constantly ask for the injection. Although the price