Clean Pan Fried Eggs.

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 Clean Pan Fried Eggs. In addition to being cheap protein, eggs are also rich in nutrients for eye health. They contain both lutein and zeaxanthin. Which can reduce the risk of macular degeneration or blindness in the elderly. For breakfast, I’d like you to make a clean pan-fried egg dish with chicken breast and colorful vegetables. Or you can make a clean egg dish with soft egg texture, golden needle mushrooms, and sprinkle with cucumber and tomatoes. It’s delicious on its own.สมัคร ufabet 

Ingredients for clean pan-fried eggs:

          Olive oil spray can
          2 eggs
          Diced boiled carrots
          Minced chicken breast with mushrooms (pan-fried in a Teflon pan, spray a little olive oil, and season with pepper and low-sodium soy sauce)
          Chopped green onions

How to make clean pan-fried eggs

           1. Spray a thin layer of olive oil on a pan to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan. Heat the pan until hot, crack the eggs into the pan. When the egg whites start to cook, add the carrots. Followed by the corn kernels, edamame and minced chicken breast.
           2. Continue to heat for a while until you’re sure the egg whites are cooked. For the egg yolk, it depends on how you like it cooked. Sprinkle with spring onions. Turn off the heat. Sprinkle with a little pepper when serving.